Welcome to the oekaki board! Here, you can draw your own pictures and upload them to share with others!
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  • Have fun!

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  • The minimum canvas size is 300px x 300px, and the maximum size is 800px x 800px.
  • Images larger than 600px x 600px will be displayed in reduced size.


meow : 2024/02/07(Wed) 10:24 ID : 8ebdd611

1707330295810.png (7 KB) PaintTime : 3min 1sec
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meow by meow

no body

megpoid.m : 2024/02/14(Wed) 18:24 ID : d4ec9c60

literally me

balls : 2024/03/11(Mon) 08:25 ID : a0306d68

that cat is very big balls :)

gmmnbg : 2024/03/17(Sun) 11:17 ID : bf3b2340 [URL]

~ did u draw legs or something else..>>>..

Althea : 2024/03/21(Thu) 07:51 ID : 9ef3a520

That are legs people, believe me


Althea : 2024/03/20(Wed) 23:19 ID : 17c21657

1711001956446.png (17 KB) PaintTime : 31min 24sec
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Mik by Althea

This is fun


leonie : 2024/03/18(Mon) 00:54 ID : 3b9b0744

1710748480128.png (81 KB) PaintTime : 16min 1sec
:) by leonie

no body

akane says hi!!

lavender : 2024/03/17(Sun) 13:16 ID : 81c8a556

1710706609390.png (7 KB) PaintTime : 19min 43sec
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akane says hi!! by lavender

no body

miku miku

moons : 2024/03/04(Mon) 19:16 ID : bf9259c7

1709608572292.png (34 KB) PaintTime : 22min 26sec
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miku miku by moons

no body


Amnaphfphdd : 2024/03/03(Sun) 07:51 ID : bf3b2340 [URL]

1709481096476.png (110 KB) PaintTime : 9min 11sec
qwertyuiop by Amnaphfphdd



mimi : 2024/03/03(Sun) 06:50 ID : bf3b2340 [URL]

1709477428519.png (2 KB) PaintTime : 14min 2sec
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HELLO by mimi

* Tree

Miku and MegaMan

IsaTanX : 2024/03/02(Sat) 19:46 ID : 068c1d1a

1709437587994.png (8 KB) PaintTime : 17min 59sec
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Miku and MegaMan by IsaTanX

no body

parallel cannon doodlezz

Pyrope : 2024/02/29(Thu) 10:57 ID : ebfcb2bc [URL]

1709233047735.png (10 KB) PaintTime : 51min 6sec
parallel cannon doodlezz by Pyrope

of course when i go to post this i see theres uncolored pixels lmao


wowie it's miku : 2024/02/27(Tue) 21:14 ID : d5b9ae01

1709097269368.png (11 KB) PaintTime : 3min 5sec
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beep by wowie it's miku

no body